Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Barbara Sturm
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [32 Ergebnisse]
- Chikpah, S.; Korese, J.; Sturm, B.; Hensel, O. (2022): Colour change kinetics of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) slices during convective air drying and bioactive compounds of the dried products. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. (December): p. 100409. Online:
- Höing, C.; Raut, S.; Nasirahmadi, A.; Sturm, B.; Hensel, O. (2022): Development of an optical system based on spectral imaging used for a slug control robot. Horticulturae. (1): p. 77. Online:
- Saleh, R.; Kulig, B.; Arefi, A.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B. (2022): Prediction of total carotenoids, color and moisture content of carrot slices during hot air drying using non-invasive hyper-spectral imaging technique. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. (9): p. 16460. Online:
- Sturm, B.; Raut, S.; Graef, H.; Müller, S. (2021): Towards Healthier Pigs Ansätze zur Optimierung von Schweinehaltungsanlagen. NUTZTIERHALTUNG im FOKUS. : p. 28-33. Online:
- Ndisya, J.; Gitau, A.; Mbuge, D.; Arefi, A.; Badulescu, L.; Pawelzik, E.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B. (2021): Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for online quality evaluation during food processing: a case study of hot air drying of purple-speckled cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott). Processes. (10): p. 1804. Online:
- Arefi, A.; Sturm, B.; Gersdorff, G.; Nasirahmadi, A.; Hensel, O. (2021): Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging along with Gaussian process regression to monitor quality attributes of apple slices during drying. LWT-Food Science and Technology. (December 2021): p. 112297. Online:
- Nurkhoeriyati, T.; Kulig, B.; Sturm, B.; Hensel, O. (2021): The effect of pre-drying treatment and drying conditions on quality and energy consumption of hot air-dried celeriac slices: optimisation. Foods. (8): p. 1758. Online:
- Chikpah, S.; Korese, J.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B.; Pawelzik, E. (2021): Rheological properties of dough and bread quality characteristics as influenced by the proportion of wheat flour substitution with orange-fleshed sweet potato and baking conditions. LWT-Food Science and Technology. (July): p. 111515. Online:
- Raut, S.; Md Saleh, R.; Kirchhofer, P.; Kulig, B.; Hensel, O.; Sturm, B. (2021): Investigating the effect of different drying strategies on the quality parameters of daucus carota L. using dynamic process control and measurement techniques. Food and Bioprocess Technology. : p. 1067-1088. Online:
- Sturm, B.; Raut, S.; Kirchhofer, P.; Müller, S.; Nasirahmadi, A. (2020): Combining sensors for better climate control. Pig Progress. : p. 0. Online: