Dr. rer. agr. Christiane Herrmann
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [42 Ergebnisse]
- Herrmann, C.; Bose, R.; Neu, A.; Schneider, R.; Alexandri, M. (2024): Cascading valorization of defatted rice bran for lactic acid fermentation and biogas production. Biofuel Research Journal. : p. 2146-2167. Online: https://doi.org/10.18331/BRJ2024.11.3.2
- Petersen, S.; Ma, C.; Hilgert, J.; Mjöfors, K.; Sefeedpari, P.; Amon, B.; Aarnink, A.; Franko, B.; Dragoni, F.; Groenestein, K.; Gyldenkrne, S.; Herrmann, C.; Hutchings, N.; Kristensen, S.; Liu, J.; Olesen, J.; Rodhe, L. (2024): In-vitro method and model to estimate methane emissions from liquid manure management on pig and dairy farms in four countries. Journal of Environmental Management. (Februar): p. 120233. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120233
- Marzban, N.; Libra, J.; Rotter, V.; Herrmann, C.; Ro, K.; Filonenko, S.; Hoffmann, T.; Antonietti, M. (2024): Maximizing the value of liquid products and minimizing carbon loss in hydrothermal processing of biomass: an evolution from carbonization to humification. Biochar. : p. 44. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42773-024-00334-1
- Hilgert, J.; Herrmann, C.; Petersen, S.; Dragoni, F.; Amon, T.; Belik, V.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B. (2023): Assessment of the biochemical methane potential of in-house and outdoor stored pig and dairy cow manure by evaluating chemical composition and storage conditions. Waste Management. (August): p. 14-24. Online: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0956053X23003781
- Hilgert, J.; Amon, B.; Amon, T.; Belek, V.; Dragoni, F.; Ammon, C.; Cárdenas, A.; Petersen, S.; Herrmann, C. (2022): Methane emissions from livestock slurry: effects of storage temperature and changes in chemical composition. Sustainability. (16): p. 9934. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/su14169934
- Yahya, M.; Herrmann, C.; Samir, I.; Jost, C.; Truppel, I.; Ghorbal, A. (2022): Kinetic studies for hydrogen and methane co-production from food wastes using multiple models. Biomass & Bioenergy. (June): p. 106449. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106449
- El Gnaoui, Y.; Frimane, A.; Lahboubi, N.; Herrmann, C.; Barz, M.; El Bari, H. (2022): Biological pre-hydrolysis and thermal pretreatment applied for anaerobic digestion improvement: experimental study and statistical variable selection using Mutual information and Principal component analysis. Cleaner Waste Systems. (2): p. 100005-10. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clwas.2022.100005
- Vargas Soplin, A.; Kreidenweis, U.; Herrmann, C.; Prochnow, A. (2022): The potential for biogas production from autumn tree leaves to supply energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions - a case study from the city of Berlin. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. (Dezember): p. 106598. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106598
- Pasteris, A.; Heiermann, M.; Theuerl, S.; Plogsties, V.; Jost, C.; Prochnow, A.; Herrmann, C. (2022): Multi-advantageous sorghum as feedstock for biogas production: a comparison between single-stage and two-stage anaerobic digestion systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. (15 July): p. 131985. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131985
- Terboven, C.; Abendroth, C.; Laumer, J.; Herrmann, C.; Schneider, R.; Ramm, P.; Venus, J.; Plöchl, M. (2021): Influence of the Initial Sugar Concentration and Supplementation with Yeast Extract on Succinic Acid Fermentation in a Lactose-Based Medium. Fermentation. (4): p. 221. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/fermentation7040221