Dr. Ulrike Praeger
Aufsätze in referierten Fachzeitschriften [30 Ergebnisse]
- Hoffmann, T.; Praeger, U.; Linke, M.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2025): Influence of air flow rate on the cooling characteristics of a single and batch apple fruits. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress. (March 2025): p. 103257. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsep.2025.103257
- Hoffmann, T.; Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Sonawane, A.; Büchele, F.; Neuwald, D.; Jedermann, R.; Sturm, B.; Mahajan, P. (2024): Heat transfer in large bins during the apples cool-down process. International Journal of Refrigeration. (February 2025): p. 60-69. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2024.11.023
- Hoffmann, T.; Mahajan, P.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M.; Sturm, B.; Linke, M. (2023): Small Peltier element to detect real-time heat flux between apple and environment during postharvest storage. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (October 2023): p. 108247. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2023.108247
- Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Neuwald, D.; Geyer, M. (2023): Measurement of Water Vapor Condensation on Apple Surfaces during Controlled Atmosphere Storage. Sensors. (3): p. 1739. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/s23031739
- Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Geyer, M. (2021): Influence of room layout on airflow distribution in an industrial fruit store. International Journal of Refrigeration. (Nov.): p. 714-722. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2021.06.016
- Linke, M.; Praeger, U.; Mahajan, P.; Geyer, M. (2021): Water vapour condensation on the surface of bulky fruit: Some basics and a simple measurement method. Journal of Food Engineering. (October 2021): p. 110661. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110661
- Hassenberg, K.; Herppich, W.; Praeger, U. (2021): Effect of chlorine dioxide treatment on human pathogens on iceberg lettuce. Foods. (3): p. 574. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10030574
- Praeger, U.; Neuwald, D.; Sellwig, M.; Jedermann, R.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Geyer, M. (2020): Luftströmung in Großkistenlagern für Obst und Gemüse. Kälte Klima Aktuell. (Großkälte 2020): p. 28-33. Online: https://www.kka-online.info/artikel/kka_Luftstroemung_in_Grosskisten-_lagern_fuer_Obst_und_Gemuese_3528695.html
- Mahajan, P.; Pathak, N.; Grossi Bovi Karatay, G.; Ntsoane, L.; Jalali, A.; Keshri, N.; Rux, G.; Praeger, U.; Geyer, M. (2020): Recent advances on packaging and storage technologies for the preservation of fresh produce. Reference Module in Food Science. : p. 1-21. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.23040-0
- Praeger, U.; Jedermann, R.; Sellwig, M.; Neuwald, D.; Hartgenbusch, N.; Borysov, M.; Truppel, I.; Scaar, H.; Geyer, M. (2020): Airflow distribution in an apple storage room. Journal of Food Engineering. (March): p. 109746. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2019.109746