Dr. Martina Jakob
Department: Technology Assessment
Program areas
Research areas
High quality parameters of agricultural and horticultural products still demand their manual handling during harvest and post harvest. It is our aim to ojectively evaluate and optimize work place design in agriculture and horticulture. For this we use different methods. Our ergonomic lab offers 3-D-motion analysis to analyse and optimise work processes. In field studies we use video analysis, time studies or the multi moment method.
Apart from process optimisation we focus on health and safety of farmers and farm workers. An EU initiative called 'Sacurima - Safety culture and risk management in agriculture' explores the various prevention and compliance programs to improve health and safety in agriculture. The initiative resulted in several EU projects.
Scientific activities
Member of the VDI MEG work group work science in agriculture
Member of the HICAHS - International Dairy Research Consortium
Member of the technical comitee of the international ergonomics association (IEA)
Reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals
Working group 1 leader www.sacurima.eu
- AGRO-WELL – Agricultural Robotics and Augmented Reality for Workplace Enhancement and Labor Linkage Das AGRO-WELL-Projekt befasst sich mit den herausfordernden und gefährlichen Bedingungen, denen die Arbeitnehmer in der Landwirtschaft ausgesetzt sind…
- smartMILC – Verbundprojekt: smart Multisensor Integration for Livestock Care Das Projektvorhaben smartMILC zielt darauf ab, die Etablierung eines digitalen Stalls zur Unterstützung von landwirtschaftlichen Prozessen und Services mit besonderem Anwend…
- EU-OSH – Review on the future of agriculture and OSH (EU-OSH) Expert review on the main trends affecting agriculture, the resulting technological and organisational changes and the subsequent implications for health and safety of workers in the secto…
- StallGrün – Innovative Stallbegrünungssysteme in der Tierhaltung zur Verbesserung des Tier- und Umweltschutzes Insbesondere in der Geflügel- und Schweinehaltung können belastende Bedingungen durch hohe Staub- und Schadgaskonzentration sowie Lärmfrach…
- SACURIMA – Safety Culture and Risk Management in Agriculture. (WG 1) Die Landwirtschaft ist eine der gefährlichsten Industrien in Europa, gemessen an arbeitsbedingten Verletzungen, Krankheiten, Behinderungen und Todesfällen. Statistiken und Studien z…
- Jakob, M. (2024): Hilfe beim Bücken für den Rücken. Bauernzeitung. Für Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Sachsen-Anhalt. (35. Woche): p. 34-34.
- Öz, E.; Jakob, M.; Öz, H. (2024): Ergonomic analysis of milking with mobile milking machines using 3d motion capture system. Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Ege University. (2): p. 233-248. Online: https://doi.org/10.20289/zfdergi.1441929
- Kurras, F.; Jakob, M. (2024): Smart dairy farming-The potential of the automatic monitoring of dairy cows’ behaviour using a 360-degree camera. animals. (4): p. 640. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14040640
- Jakob, M.; Lima, J.; Launay, F.; Ferguson, H. (2023): Skin carotenoid levels in lactating dairy cows as measured using multiple spatially resolved reflection spectroscopy. Journal of Dairy Research. : p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022029923000493
- Kurras, F.; Gravemeier, L.; Dittmer, A.; Kümper, D.; Jakob, M. (2023): Automatic Monitoring of dairy cows’ lying behaviour using a computer vision system in open barns. Agronomy Research. (2): p. 482-493. Online: https://doi.org/10.15159/AR.23.029
- Jakob, M.; Balaguier, R.; Park, H.; Trask, C. (2023): Addressing exoskeleton implementation challenges: case studies of non-acceptance in agriculture. Journal of Agromedicine. (4): p. 784-796. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2023.2236605
- Girdziute, L.; Besuspariene, E.; Nausediene, A.; Novikova, A.; Leppala, J.; Jakob, M. (2022): Youths (Un)willingness to Work in Agriculture Sector. Frontiers in Public Health. : p. 1-11. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2022.937657
- Menardo, S.; Berg, W.; Grüneberg, H.; Jakob, M. (2021): Can Green Plants Mitigate Ammonia Concentration in Piglet Barns?. Atmosphere. (9): p. 1150. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12091150
- Jakob, M.; Santa, D.; Holte, K.; Sikkeland, I.; Hilt, B.; Lundqvist, P. (2021): Occupational health and safety in agriculture - a brief report on organization, legislation and support in selected European countries. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (AAEM). (3): p. 1-6. Online: https://doi.org/10.26444/aaem/140197
- Jakob, M.; Geyer, M. (2021): Fruit removal forces of early stage pickling cucumbers for harvest automation. International Agrophysics. (1): p. 25-30. Online: https://doi.org/10.31545/intagr/131867