Dr. Redmond Ramin Shamshiri , Ph.D.
Department: Agromechatronics
Program areas
Research areas
Digital Agriculture, Automation, Simulation and modeling, IoT sensors and wireless communication
Scientific activities
International Society of Precision Agriculture (member)
Americal Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (member)
Adaptive AgroTech Consultancy Int
- foodChain – Erarbeitung einer Konzeption zur Einführung von 5G im Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald in der Modellregion Golßen-Mittenwalde-Schönefeld und Vorbereitung zur eigenfinanzierten oder privatwirtschaftlichen Umsetzung unter Einbindung der Marktbetei…
- SunBot – Emissionsfreie Strauchbeerenproduktion (SunBot) Im EIP-Projekt SunBot wird ein fahrerloses, elektrisch betriebenes Traktor-Geräte-Gespann aus marktverfügbaren und neuen Komponenten entwickelt. Es soll in Zukunft zur Unterwuchspflege im Beere…
- Azimi, A.; Shamshiri, R.; Ghasemzadeh, A. (2025): Adaptives dynamisches Programmieren zur robusten Bahnverfolgung eines landwirtschaftlichen Roboters mithilfe kritischer neuronaler Netze. Agricultural Engineering. (1): p. 1-15. Online: https://www.agricultural-engineering.eu/landtechnik/article/view/3327
- Shamshiri, R.; Kaviani Rad, A.; Behjati, M.; Balasundram, S. (2024): Sensing and Perception in Robotic Weeding: Innovations and Limitations for Digital Agriculture. Sensors. (20): p. 6743. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/s24206743
- Shamshiri, R.; Azimi, A.; Behjati, M.; Ghasemzadeh, A.; Dworak, V.; Weltzien, C.; Karydis, K.; Cheein, F. (2024): Online path tracking with an integrated H robust adaptive controller for a double-Ackermann steering robot for orchard waypoint navigation. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications. : p. 1-21. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41315-024-00379-2
- Shamshiri, R.; Sturm, B.; Weltzien, C.; Fulton, J.; Khosla, R.; Schirrmann, M.; Raut, S.; Hanike Basavegowda, D.; Yamin, M.; Hameed, I. (2024): Digitalization of agriculture for sustainable crop production: a use-case review. Frontiers in Environmental Science. : p. 1-32. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2024.1375193
- Shamshiri, R.; Navas, E.; Dworak, V.; Schütte, T.; Weltzien, C.; Auat Cheein, F. (2024): Internet of robotic things with a local LoRa network for teleoperation of an agricultural mobile robot using a digital shadow. Discover Applied Sciences. (6): p. 414. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-024-06106-7
- Shamshiri, R.; Navas, E.; Dworak, V.; Auat Cheein, F.; Weltzien, C. (2024): A modular sensing system with CANBUS communication for assisted navigation of an agricultural mobile robot. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (August): p. 109112. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2024.109112
- Navas, E.; Shamshiri, R.; Dworak, V.; Weltzien, C.; Fernandez, R. (2024): Soft Gripper for Small Fruits Harvesting and Pick and Place Operations. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. : p. 1330496. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/frobt.2023.1330496
- Ashref, H.; Qamar, S.; Riaz, N.; Shamshiri, R.; Sultan, M.; Khalid, B.; Ibrahim, S.; Imran, M.; Khan, M. (2023): Spatiotemporal Estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration for Agricultural Applications in Punjab, Pakistan. Agriculture. (7): p. 1388. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13071388
- Miah, M.; Rahman, M.; Hoque, M.; Ibrahim, S.; Sultan, M.; Shamshiri, R.; Ucgul, M.; Hasan, M.; Barna, T. (2023): Design and evaluation of a power tiller vegetable seedling transplanter with dibbler and furrow type. Heliyon. (8): p. 17827. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17827
- Tee, Y.; Balasundram, S.; Shamshiri, R.; Shariff, A.; Ding, P. (2023): Yield potential of site-specific integrated pest and soil nutrient management at different harvest intervals under two commercial cocoa planting systems in Malaysia. Precision Agriculture. (3): p. 1132-1153. Online: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11119-023-10003-1
Veröffentlichungen vor ATB-Zugehörigkeit
Complete list here:
1. Redmond R. Shamshiri and Shafian, S. (2022). Digital Agriculture, Methods and Applications. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.98141. ISBN: 978-1-80355-463-1. Print ISBN: 978-1-80355-462-4. Number of Pages: 166 [Link]
2. Redmond R. Shamshiri. (2021). Next-Generation Greenhouses for Food Security. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.92515. ISBN: 978-1-83968-076-2. Print ISBN: 978-1-83968-075-5. Number of Pages: 182 [Link]
3. Shamshiri, R. R., and Ibrahim A. Hameed. (2024). Mobile Robots for Digital Farming. CREC Press. ISBN 9781032304663, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003306283 [Link]
4. Shamshiri, R. R., Sanaz Shafian, and Ibrahim A. Hameed. (2024). Precision Agriculture - Emerging Technologies. IntechOpen. ISBN: 978-0-85014-280-8 [Link]
5. Muhammad Sultan, Redmond R. Shamshiri, Md Shamim Ahamed, and Muhammad Farooq. (2023). Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application, Volume 1. MDPI. ISBN 978-3-0365-9374-6 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-9375-3. https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-9375-3, Number of Pages: 542 [Link]
6. Muhammad Sultan, Redmond R. Shamshiri, Md Shamim Ahamed, and Muhammad Farooq. (2023). Advances in Agricultural Engineering Technologies and Application, Volume 2. MDPI. ISBN 978-3-0365-9376-0 (hardback); ISBN 978-3-0365-9377-7. https://doi.org/10.3390/books978-3-0365-9377-7 , Number of Pages: 532 [Link]
7. Muhammad Sultan, Yuguang Zhou, Redmond R. Shamshiri, and Aitazaz A. Farooque. (2022). Sustainable Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Applications. MDPI, ISBN: 978-3-0365-2921-9. Number of Pages: 440 [Link]
8. Muhammad Sultan, Md Shamim Ahamed, Redmond R. Shamshiri, and Muhammad Wakil Shahzad. (2022). Energy Systems and Applications in Agriculture. MDPI, ISBN: 978-3-0365-5008-4. Number of Pages: 224 [Link]