One possible alternative to pesticide-based control of economically important fruit fly (Tephritidae) species is the sterile insect technique (SIT), which has been used in various regions, mainly for Ceratitis capitata. …
Goal of the OPTINUTRIENT joint project - for which a detail concept is being created - is the achievement of maximum material and energy efficiency in the production of food, feed and biogenic nutrients and raw materials…
The study assesses the influence of subclinical mastitis and mechanical milk treatments on milk characteristics. The focus is on changes in milk components and milk main processing aspects. Milk is an important commodity…
The aim of the project "AgroBAT" is the development and scientific investigation of smart sensor techniques for the determination of soil fertility and for the assessment of the crop and plant status. In this context, a …
Ziel ist die Erarbeitung von Maßnahmeprogrammen zum Tierschutz von Geflügel, Wiederkäuern, Schwein und Pferd sowie zur Anwendung unerlässlicher Tierarzneimittel unter Berücksichtigung tierschutzrechtlicher, praktischer u…
The aim of the project SmaArt is to develop a real-time capable, economically optimized demonstrator for adaptive flower thinning in fruit trees. The project is based on the results of the 2012 terminated R & D project…
The overall goal is the further development of the Water Management Tool (WMT) into a decision support system (DSS), the permanent implementation of the Integrated Water resource management (IWRM) process for a sustainab…
I4S aims at developing a sensor-based system on bases of which in particular recommendations for a site-specific fertilization management should be provided and which should contribute to improving soil functions and to …
In MeMa a teat cup is developed based on the methodology developed in MeMo with a function to separate the milking and holding function. For functional development of the teat cup, the holding function of the phenomenolo…
Transmission Control of Infections in the 21th Century Improved hygiene and better prevention and treatment have diminished the incidence of infectious diseases particularly in industrialised countries. However, increas…