Hyunjin Park
Articles in peer reviewed journals [5 Results]
- Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2024): Institutional work after hype: The case of biogas in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science. (January 2025): p. 103820. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2024.103820
- Jakob, M.; Balaguier, R.; Park, H.; Trask, C. (2023): Addressing exoskeleton implementation challenges: case studies of non-acceptance in agriculture. Journal of Agromedicine. (4): p. 784-796. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2023.2236605
- Heinrich, T.; Park, H.; Orozco, R.; Ding, Z.; Álvarez-López, V.; Mosquera-Losada, M.; Steinbeis, L.; Hoffmann, T. (2023): Biochar production from late-harvest grass - Challenges and potential for farm-scale implementation. Sustainable Production and Consumption. (May): p. 256-267. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spc.2023.02.019
- Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2022): What does an inclusive bioeconomy mean for primary producers? An analysis of European bioeconomy strategies. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. : p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1523908X.2022.2094353
- Park, H.; Bieling, C. (2021): Looking at hidden connections to explore adaptive capacity of cultural landscape systems: case studies of four landcare associations in Germany. Ecology and Society. (4): p. 11. Online: https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-12470-260411
Monographs by authorship [1 result]
Bookchapters and proceedings [2 Results]
- Germer, S.; Adamseged, M.; Ding, Z.; Heinrich, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Orozco, R.; Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2022): Grass-based circular solutions for rural agri-food value chains. In: VDI Wissensforum GmbH(eds.): Tagungsband AgEng Landtechnik 2022. AgEng-LAND.TECHNIK 2022. VDI Verlag GmbH, Düsseldorf, (0083-5560/978-3-18092406-9), p. 305-312.
- Heinrich, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Álvarez-López, V.; Park, H.; Orozco, R.; Ding, Z.; Mosquera Losada, M.; Libra, J. (2022): Grass Biochar- From Lab- to Farm-Scale. In: Proceedings 30th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 30th EUBCE - European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. p. 986-992.
Orals and posters [14 Results]
- Park, H. (2023): The role of power resources in institutional change: a case study of biogas sector in Germany.
- Park, H. (2023): The role of power resources in institutional change: a case study of biogas sector in Germany.
- Park, H. (2023): Institutional change in the German biogas sector and stakeholder inclusion.
- Park, H. (2023): Regulatory barriers to grass biochar commercialization.
- Germer, S.; Adamseged, M.; Ding, Z.; Heinrich, T.; Hoffmann, T.; Orozco, R.; Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2022): Grass-based circular solutions for rural agri-food value chains - lessons learnt from GO-GRASS project.
- Park, H. (2022): Which substrate to use? Drivers of institutional change in German biogas sector.
- Park, H.; Dang, H. (2022): Coal for the future: Biochar from agricultural residues.
- Park, H. (2022): Biogas in a cascade: an institutional and power analysis.
- Park, H. (2022): Which biomass to use? Drivers of institutional change in German biogas sector.
- Park, H.; Grundmann, P. (2021): Primary producer inclusion discourses in European bioeconomy strategies.