Dr. rer. nat. Sabrina Hempel
Articles in peer reviewed journals [30 Results]
- Doumbia, E.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Zhang, G.; Amon, T.; Kriegel, M.; Hempel, S. (2021): On finding the right sampling lines height through a parametric study of gas dispersion in a NVB. Applied Sciences. (8): p. 4560. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11104560
- Doumbia, E.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Amon, T.; Kriegel, M.; Hempel, S. (2021): CFD modelling of an animal occupied zone using an anisotropic porous medium model with velocity depended resistance parameters. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (February 2021): p. 105950. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105950
- Doumbia, E.; Janke, D.; Yi, Q.; Prinz, A.; Amon, T.; Kriegel, M.; Hempel, S. (2021): A Parametric Model for Local Air Exchange Rate of Naturally Ventilated Barns. Agronomy. (8): p. 1585. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy11081585
- Hempel, S.; Adolphs, J.; Landwehr, N.; Willink, D.; Janke, D.; Amon, T. (2020): Supervised Machine Learning to Assess Methane Emissions of a Dairy Building with Natural Ventilation. Applied Sciences. (19): p. 6938. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10196938
- Saha, C.; Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Hempel, S.; Amon, B.; Amon, T. (2020): Opening size effects on airflow pattern and airflow rate of a naturally ventilated dairy building - A CFD Study. Applied Sciences. (17): p. 6054. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10176054
- Yi, Q.; Zhang, G.; Amon, B.; Hempel, S.; Janke, D.; Saha, C.; Amon, T. (2020): Modelling air change rate of naturally ventilated dairy buildings using response surface methodology and numerical simulation. Building simulation. (Sept): p. 0. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-020-0697-z
- Yi, Q.; Janke, D.; Thormann, L.; Zhang, G.; Amon, B.; Hempel, S.; Nosek, S.; Hartung, E.; Amon, T. (2020): Airflow characteristics downwind a naturally ventilated pig building with a roofed outdoor exercise yard and implications on pollutant distribution. Applied Sciences. (14): p. 4931. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/app10144931
- Hempel, S.; Willink, D.; Janke, D.; Ammon, C.; Amon, B.; Amon, T. (2020): Methane emission characteristics of naturally ventilated cattle buildings. Sustainability. (10): p. 4314. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12104314
- Hempel, S.; Adolphs, J.; Landwehr, N.; Janke, D.; Amon, T. (2020): How the selection of training data and modeling approach affects the estimation of ammonia emissions from a naturally ventilated dairy barn - Classical statistics versus machine learning. Sustainability. (3): p. 1030. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12031030
- Yi, Q.; Zhang, G.; Li, H.; Wang, X.; Janke, D.; Amon, B.; Hempel, S.; Amon, T. (2020): Estimation of opening discharge coefficient of naturally ventilated dairy buildings by response surface methodology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (Februar 2020): p. 105224. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105224