PD Dr. agr. habil. Karl-Heinz Dammer
Articles in peer reviewed journals [45 Results]
- Wojcieszak, D.; Pawlowski, A.; Dammer, K.; Przybyl, J. (2023): Chemical and Energetical Properties in Methane Fermentation of Morphological Parts of Corn with Different Variety Earliness Standard FAO. Agricultural Engineering. (1): p. 273-287. Online: https://doi.org/10.2478/agriceng-2023-0020
- Dammer, K. (2023): Arbeitstagung Sensorgestützte Erkennung von Schaderregern in Freilandkulturen am Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie Potsdam-Bornim (ATB), 11. und 12. Mai 2022. Gesunde Pflanzen. : p. 1-4. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10343-022-00799-9
- Karimi, H.; Navid, H.; Dammer, K. (2023): A Pixel-wise Segmentation Model to Identify Bur Chervil (Anthriscus caucalis M. Bieb.) Within Images from a Cereal Cropping Field. Gesunde Pflanzen. (1): p. 25-36. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10343-022-00764-6
- Tang, Z.; Wang, M.; Schirrmann, M.; Dammer, K.; Li, X.; Brueggeman, R.; Sankaran, S.; Carter, A.; Pumphrey, M.; Hu, Y.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Z. (2023): Affordable High Throughput Field Detection of Wheat Stripe Rust Using Deep Learning with Semi-Automated Image Labeling. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (April): p. 107709. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2023.107709
- Dammer, K. (2023): Methoden zur Erkennung des Kartoffelkäfers (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say))mit Multispektral- und Farbbildkamera-Sensoren. Gesunde Pflanzen. (1): p. 13-23. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10343-022-00765-5
- Dammer, K. (2022): Proof of concept study - a novel mobile in-canopy imaging system for detecting symptoms of fungal diseases in cereals. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection. (4): p. 769-773. Online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-022-00638-z
- Dammer, K.; Garz, A.; Hobart, M.; Schirrmann, M. (2022): Combined UAV- and tractor-based stripe rust monitoring in winter wheat under field conditions. Agronomy Journal. (1): p. 651-661. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20916
- Dammer, K.; Schirrmann, M. (2022): Primarily tests of a optoelectronic in-canopy sensor for evaluation of vertical disease infection in cereals. Pest Management Science. (1): p. 143-149. Online: https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.6623
- Qin, Z.; Wang, W.; Dammer, K.; Guo, L.; Cao, Z. (2021): Ag-YOLO: A Real-Time Low-Cost Detector for Precise Spraying With Case Study of Palms. Frontiers in Plant Science. (December): p. 753603. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.753603
- Schirrmann, M.; Landwehr, N.; Giebel, A.; Garz, A.; Dammer, K. (2021): Early Detection of Stripe Rust in Winter Wheat using Deep Residual Neural Networks. Frontiers in Plant Science. : p. 469689. Online: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.469689