Dr. rer. agr. Hans-Jörg Gusovius
Articles in peer reviewed journals [35 Results]
- Klevenhusen, F.; These, A.; Weiß, K.; Gusovius, H.; Pieper, R. (2024): Ensiling conditions and changes of cannabinoid concentration in industrial hemp. Archives of Animal Nutrition. (3): p. 242-253. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/1745039X.2024.2383216
- Angulu, M.; Gusovius, H. (2024): Retting of Bast Fiber Crops Like Hemp and Flax-A Review for Classification of Procedures. Fibers. (3): p. 28. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/fib12030028
- Selge, B.; Gusovius, H.; Ouagne, P. (2024): Processing of linseed straw: State-of-the-art and further perspectives. Industrial Crops and Products. (1): p. 119518. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2024.119518
- Schmidt, B.; Freidank-Pohl, C.; Zillessen, J.; Stelzer, L.; Núñez Guitar, T.; Lühr, C.; Müller, H.; Zhang, F.; Hammel, J.; Briesen, H.; Jung, S.; Gusovius, H.; Meyer, V. (2023): Mechanical, physical and thermal properties of composite materials produced with the basidiomycete Fomes fomentarius. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. (22): p. 1-15. Online: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40694-023-00169-8
- Müssig, J.; Enke, S.; Gusovius, H.; Lühr, C.; Uhrlaub, B.; Dammer, L.; Carus, M. (2023): Mechanical separation of kenaf for composite applications - Evaluation of the total fibre line concept for field retted kenaf. Industrial Crops & Products. (February 2024): p. 117870. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117870
- Assanova, A.; Otynshiyev, M.; Gusovius, H.; Otynshiyev, Y.; Rakhimova, S. (2023): Evaluation of Linseed Straw as a Fiber Resource from Kazakh Agriculture. Journal of Natural Fibers. (1): p. 2296907. Online: https://doi.org/10.1080/15440478.2023.2296907
- Pohl, C.; Schmidt, B.; Nunez Guitar, T.; Klemm, S.; Gusovius, H.; Platzk, S.; Kruggel-Emden, H.; Klunker, A.; Völlmecke, C.; Fleck, C.; Meyer, V. (2022): Establishment of the basidiomycete Fomes fomentarius for the production of composite materials. Fungal Biology and Biotechnology. (4): p. 1-13. Online: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40694-022-00133-y
- Viotti, C.; Albrecht, K.; Amaducci, S.; Bardos, P.; Bertheau, C.; Blaudez, D.; Bothe, L.; Cazaux, D.; Ferrarini, A.; Govilas, J.; Gusovius, H.; Jeannin, T.; Lühr, C.; Müssig, J.; Pilla, M.; Placet, V.; Puschenreiter, M.; Tognacchini, A.; Yung, L.; Chalot, M. (2022): Nettle, a Long-Known Fiber Plant with New Perspectives. Materials. (12): p. 4288. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15124288
- Kirilovs, E.; Zotova, I.; Gendelis, S.; Gusovius, H.; Kukle, S.; Stramkale, V. (2020): Experimental Study of Using Micro-Encapsulated Phase-Change Material Integrated into Hemp Shive Wallboard. Buildings. (12): p. 228. Online: https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings10120228
- Herppich, W.; Gusovius, H.; Flemming, I.; Drastig, K. (2020): Effects of drought and heat on photosynthetic performance, water use and yield of two important fibre hemp cultivars at a poor-soil site in Brandenburg (Germany). Agronomy. (9): p. 1361. Online: https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4395/10/9/1361